...well, it really was a busy day for Jakob. Not enough coffee I suppose.

But after a while the girls came to help the preparing. Pia had been working hard with Pasi and they made a nice box for our questionnaire, and also a sheet of paper for the volunteer applications to Ruska Festival 2009.
So, if you want to join our festival volunteer crew, just take a look at the webpages, or come to say hello to performers at Tullikamarin Aukio.
I am just waiting for the shows tomorrow evening at Klubi. Another of my favorite performers "Panda ja Kärpänen" are on stage as well as Ruska stars. But, for now, I´ll continue drilling my walls at home and appear for another gig at 18.00 see Jakob and his radiating assistant.

Mä en kyllä tajua, miks tää prewiew ei näytä oikein tätä systeemiä. Asettelu meni ihan keturalleen.
Had to do a little edit to your code. Sorry
ei se mitn, hyvä vaan et korjasit. rupes korpeemaan kohtalaisesti.
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