Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
After Jakob's Circus in Espoo I got to be at home only for a short while. Last went by quite quickly with plenty of work. On monday we built up the tent to Eräjärvi(small village close to Tampere). They have some workshops there and Finnish Diabolo Convention this week.
So while the tent is there we took off and drove to Copenhagen. While Heidi is rehearsing for an audition, I have time to meet some friends and see shows. There's the KIT contemporary circus festival in town still this week.
The main purpose for the trip was to come and see the new show of my good friend Jani Nuutinen. Ok, it's not that new any more, the premiere was in march 2007 and yesterday was 100th show.. Respect! To celebrate we sat down to the nice saddlechairs of the Rio Bravo restaurant and had some traditional apple juice. It was so nice to catch up with Jani. I think last time we saw each other was about a year ago or so..
Also tt was cool to see Jani on stage again. This time the tent and the stage was a bit smaller than in the earlier show from him but the same spirit was still there.. I liked it a lot! Maybe I have to go and see it again later this week. Another show running this week is Acrobat from Australia. Master Nuutinen told me I should see that so now I try to get tickets for thursday.
On saturday I should go and check out the new show of Wallmans because my dear friend Jocke is doing his brand new act in the show.
Intresting week..
Vinkkejä Burlesquepukeutumiseen!!
Tässä muutama pukeutumisvinkki burlesquebileisiin:
-Perinteinen gansterityyli, tumma puku, kauluspaita, hattu
-Keikarityyli, smokki, frakki ja hattu.
-Kaikki vanhan sirkuksen hahmot, voimamiehet, käärmeenlumoojat, taikurit jne
- Merimies ja merirosvoasut
- Menneiden aikojen herrasmies/supersankari sarjakuvahahmot, Taika Jim, Musta Naamio,
Flash Gordon
-Vanhojen elokuvien sankarit, Valentino, suomifilmien ensirakastajat
-Surrealistiset fantasiahahamot, eläinasut
-Glamoröösit kurvikaunottaret, irtoripset kehiin ja keikkumaan
Eli kiteytettynä tongi omaa kaappiasi, elokuvahyllyäsi, vanhoja sarjakuvia,
kirpputoreja, pidä hauskaa, käy tyttöystävän meikkipussilla ja anna mennä. Monilla
varmaan on joku hahmo joka on lähellä sydäntä, mikä supersankari halusit pikku kollina
olla? Kuka on supercool tai aivan käsittämättömän kreisi?
-Vanhan ajan filmitähdet Mae Westistä Jane Mansfieldiin ja Regina Linnanheimoon
-Itämaiset kaunottaret
-Tropiikin helmet
-Pohjoiset jääprinsessat
-50s pimut
-Fantasiahahmot meren-neidoista keijukaisiin
-Linnut, papukaijat ja riikinkukot
-Pompöösit rokokoo ja barokki kaunottaret
-Merimiehet ja naiset ja merirosvot
-Gangsterin heilat
-Mata Hari
-Satujen sankarittaret
-Surrealististiset fantasiahahmot
Eli kimalletta ja mielikuvitusta peliin. Asujen ei tarvitse maksaa paljoa, tee se itse
meinigillä, liimapyssyllä, neulalla ja langalla voi loihtia itselleen vaikka mitä.
-Perinteinen gansterityyli, tumma puku, kauluspaita, hattu
-Keikarityyli, smokki, frakki ja hattu.
-Kaikki vanhan sirkuksen hahmot, voimamiehet, käärmeenlumoojat, taikurit jne
- Merimies ja merirosvoasut
- Menneiden aikojen herrasmies/supersankari sarjakuvahahmot, Taika Jim, Musta Naamio,
Flash Gordon
-Vanhojen elokuvien sankarit, Valentino, suomifilmien ensirakastajat
-Surrealistiset fantasiahahamot, eläinasut
-Glamoröösit kurvikaunottaret, irtoripset kehiin ja keikkumaan
Eli kiteytettynä tongi omaa kaappiasi, elokuvahyllyäsi, vanhoja sarjakuvia,
kirpputoreja, pidä hauskaa, käy tyttöystävän meikkipussilla ja anna mennä. Monilla
varmaan on joku hahmo joka on lähellä sydäntä, mikä supersankari halusit pikku kollina
olla? Kuka on supercool tai aivan käsittämättömän kreisi?
-Vanhan ajan filmitähdet Mae Westistä Jane Mansfieldiin ja Regina Linnanheimoon
-Itämaiset kaunottaret
-Tropiikin helmet
-Pohjoiset jääprinsessat
-50s pimut
-Fantasiahahmot meren-neidoista keijukaisiin
-Linnut, papukaijat ja riikinkukot
-Pompöösit rokokoo ja barokki kaunottaret
-Merimiehet ja naiset ja merirosvot
-Gangsterin heilat
-Mata Hari
-Satujen sankarittaret
-Surrealististiset fantasiahahmot
Eli kimalletta ja mielikuvitusta peliin. Asujen ei tarvitse maksaa paljoa, tee se itse
meinigillä, liimapyssyllä, neulalla ja langalla voi loihtia itselleen vaikka mitä.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Can you Ikea?
It was a sunny Sunday-morning, when Circus Ruska girl-crew picked up a van from Jouni. Our plan was to go to Ikea for some furniture shopping and later in the evening to go to see Cirque Plume's show called Plic Ploc. And so we did.
When we reached Helsinki City region, weather started to be ugly and rainy, but we girls didn't care about that.

I found just right place for me in this huge"spend-all-your-money-to-your-home"-place.

After shopping we were starving. So we headed to Helsinki to meet our dear friend Kati from Improvisation theatre Snorkkeli, who took us to Bamboo Center. Curry tofu, i just love it....

And finally we found our way to Hietaniemi to see the circus. Girls like to pose, as you can see from the pic..
Jani and Kimmo also joined us. If you don't see Kimmo for a while in Skandinavia, it's because he will be working in Spain. And of course he spends all his free-time under the palm trees by editing some videoclips for Circus Ruska.
And the show was great. We loved it. Go and see it!!!!!!!!
When we reached Helsinki City region, weather started to be ugly and rainy, but we girls didn't care about that.
I found just right place for me in this huge"spend-all-your-money-to-your-home"-place.
After shopping we were starving. So we headed to Helsinki to meet our dear friend Kati from Improvisation theatre Snorkkeli, who took us to Bamboo Center. Curry tofu, i just love it....
And finally we found our way to Hietaniemi to see the circus. Girls like to pose, as you can see from the pic..
Jani and Kimmo also joined us. If you don't see Kimmo for a while in Skandinavia, it's because he will be working in Spain. And of course he spends all his free-time under the palm trees by editing some videoclips for Circus Ruska.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Laminating the floor at Kitte's new appartment
Our press-coordinator Piia tested the new floor. We found out, that it is suitable for air-swimming also.
Circus Ruska girl-crew is planning to go to Helsinki next Sunday to see Cirque Plume's show Plic Ploc. We'll let you know, how was our trip!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Back in Chamäleon theater in Berlin. Performing in a varieté show called "My life".
It´s a show mixing circus, dance and music directed by Randy Glynn. Choreaography by Shannon Cooney.
Anyway. I´m in Germany again and waiting for my first pay check. It´s not like that´s the only motivation to do the show. Berlin is a great city with possibilities to do pretty much whatever you want so it´s hard to get bored here. Allthough I only have one act in the whole show so there is a lot of waiting around during the performances. I´ll get over it. Right now I´m using the extra time to get back into stretching.
Photos from Berlin will be posted within a few days. Check the show at:
It´s a show mixing circus, dance and music directed by Randy Glynn. Choreaography by Shannon Cooney.
Anyway. I´m in Germany again and waiting for my first pay check. It´s not like that´s the only motivation to do the show. Berlin is a great city with possibilities to do pretty much whatever you want so it´s hard to get bored here. Allthough I only have one act in the whole show so there is a lot of waiting around during the performances. I´ll get over it. Right now I´m using the extra time to get back into stretching.
Photos from Berlin will be posted within a few days. Check the show at:
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Here's Kimmo's video from 'Mahdollisuus' open stage at Jakob's tent 26.6. The next free and open for all performing arts evening will happen in same place within few months. Keep checking this blog and for further info.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Burlesque meets Circus
Cool pics ms. Mureena!
Let's just say it in this forum also that the Circus&Burlesque Club is going to happen in Tampere at Klubi on 13th of September..and it is a co-operation between Circus Ruska and Hula Pirates (Helsinki).
Here's what Hula Pirates say about the evening:
"Hop on and travel with HulaPirates Crew’s Caravans to Tampere – we are all going to join Circus Ruska and discover what happens when circus meets burlesque! Evening will be full of fantastic performances by burlesque-starlets from home and abroad: Lady Hopscotch and Golden Treasure from Harbour Pearls, Germany and Olivia Rouge, Suomi) and by amazing, incredible circus professionals like the Incredible Magician, the Great Human Volcano, Amazing SnakeWoman & Dazzling Tangobatics! Host for this evening will be Mr. Silver Cream! You can also fill your burlesque outfit & accesories collection from beautiful things from Nitrobabe, HulaHula Boutique and Illusion Costumes!" that's the party of this autumn for sure!
Start polishing your shoes boys and get your costumes ready girls - September is coming soon!
Let's just say it in this forum also that the Circus&Burlesque Club is going to happen in Tampere at Klubi on 13th of September..and it is a co-operation between Circus Ruska and Hula Pirates (Helsinki).
Here's what Hula Pirates say about the evening:
"Hop on and travel with HulaPirates Crew’s Caravans to Tampere – we are all going to join Circus Ruska and discover what happens when circus meets burlesque! Evening will be full of fantastic performances by burlesque-starlets from home and abroad: Lady Hopscotch and Golden Treasure from Harbour Pearls, Germany and Olivia Rouge, Suomi) and by amazing, incredible circus professionals like the Incredible Magician, the Great Human Volcano, Amazing SnakeWoman & Dazzling Tangobatics! Host for this evening will be Mr. Silver Cream! You can also fill your burlesque outfit & accesories collection from beautiful things from Nitrobabe, HulaHula Boutique and Illusion Costumes!" that's the party of this autumn for sure!
Start polishing your shoes boys and get your costumes ready girls - September is coming soon!
0440 512 893
What a surprise!
Today was my first time to answer the RUSKA-phone! A male voice from Aamulehti (the main newspaper in Tampere region) made a well coming pause to my domestic work, and asked about the Burlesque event.
I tossed the ball to Kitte, and hopefully by now the reporter has a full picture about the event and Kitte could help him with finding a burlesque-person from neighborhood.

Then, found this.
What a surprise!
Today was my first time to answer the RUSKA-phone! A male voice from Aamulehti (the main newspaper in Tampere region) made a well coming pause to my domestic work, and asked about the Burlesque event.
I tossed the ball to Kitte, and hopefully by now the reporter has a full picture about the event and Kitte could help him with finding a burlesque-person from neighborhood.

Then, found this.
Getting busy indeed
Maybe it's time for me as well to start writing in this new blog..
It's been quite busy week so far. On monday, just after we took the tent down in Tampere after the theatersummer, we came to Espoo(my ex-hometown) and started to set things up.
On monday built up the tent and the seats and on tuesday after returning the rental cars to tampere we carried on with the lights, sound and set.
So far we've had four shows and still eight more to go before packing things on sunday evening.
Today is the busiest day, three shows. One down and still two to go.. In the morning show we had almost full house.. That's cool.. And in the next one there should be nice crowd as well.. I just hope that people will come on evening and on weekend as well..
Tapiola has been quite nice place for the tent. Hopefully we can come back with a new show next summer..
Yesterday was a bit rainy and today it's been very windy. Good test for the old tent..
Tomorrow I'll get some glue and fix the few bigger holes..
I think I should start to warm up for the next show.. We'll try to post some pictures from here..
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Jakob gettin' busy in Espoo
Petteri took his tent and camped in Tapiolan kulttuuriaukio, Espoo. Jakobin Sirkus is performing there this week. Yesterday our busy Jakob got his tent up and today is the first show at 18:00...For the rest of the week there will be 2 shows in a day. Tue-Fri at 10 and at 18 and Sat-Sun at 14 and at 17.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
Buldigs on fire
The Buldig Brothers had to cancel their 6 o clock show because of heavy rain but at eight there was only little rain... It took lot of effort with megaphone to gather some audience.
The Buldig Brothers and some 35 brave spectators were not made out of sugar.
If it's nice weather tomorrow there might even be an extra show before four o clock to make up the cancellation.
(No photos this time because I left the camera on yesterday night and the battery is dead).
That's it for Petteri
Petteri ended his stint tonight in Klubi at The Great Nocturnal Happening. While Antti Hynninen was playing his hypnotic sax tunes, Petteri performed some arty moves with tight jeans, water zips and everyhing.

Well now it's time for the previous generation to show how things are done: The Buldig Brothers performing the Show 14th summer this season. The official funny guys are taking over the Circus Ruska Caravan untill Sunday at Tullikamarinaukio.
Come and find out are they still able to bend to the Otto Poem?

Well now it's time for the previous generation to show how things are done: The Buldig Brothers performing the Show 14th summer this season. The official funny guys are taking over the Circus Ruska Caravan untill Sunday at Tullikamarinaukio.
Come and find out are they still able to bend to the Otto Poem?
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

...well, it really was a busy day for Jakob. Not enough coffee I suppose.

But after a while the girls came to help the preparing. Pia had been working hard with Pasi and they made a nice box for our questionnaire, and also a sheet of paper for the volunteer applications to Ruska Festival 2009.
So, if you want to join our festival volunteer crew, just take a look at the webpages, or come to say hello to performers at Tullikamarin Aukio.
I am just waiting for the shows tomorrow evening at Klubi. Another of my favorite performers "Panda ja Kärpänen" are on stage as well as Ruska stars. But, for now, I´ll continue drilling my walls at home and appear for another gig at 18.00 see Jakob and his radiating assistant.